We are sharing some photos taken during the VISITAS RARAS´s tour which took place last 15th of February. There will still be three more opportunities that you shouldn´t miss!
22th of February TURISMO RARO
8th of March TURISMO RARO
Book by email (reserva.visitasraras.gmail.com) indicating the names of the participants and the date in which you are interested on. For more information you can consult the Madrid Abierto 2013-2014 ACCTIONS and the VISITAS RARAS´s facebook profile.
Where: Matadero Madrid, premise 8b, Archivo Matadero
Opening hours: Thursday & Friday from 16 to 19 pm. Saturday from 11 to 14.
Upon appointment: archivo@mataderomadrid.org or telephone 915171233.
Contact the Responsible of Madrid Abierto archive:archivo@madridabierto.com
Since the end of 2010 we have been working on the creation of a Public Art Archive to make it easier for those who are willing to look up any information or printed and digital material of any of
the 134 artistic projects that have been presented during Madrid Abierto’s several editions.
In addition to the said information, which is already accessible at www.madridabierto.com, the Archive contains unprecedented files and materials, as well as other data
subject to restricted access due to intellectual property issues, such as sound and audiovisual works.
The main goal is to keep record of all the work processes originated and documented by the organization, artists, curators, remaining mediators and participants, as well as to establish other points
of interaction and collaboration with entities interested in Public Art.
To this end, the Archive has been designed based on an structure that shows this creation and management process and whos structure is divided into different categories as follows:
- PREVIOUS: Material produced by the organization to start the open calls. It contains presentations, critical texts, material for the call, the list of sponsors, collaborators,
thanks to and other materials.
- DEBATE SESSIONS: Programmes, videos, transcriptions and photographs.
- PROJECTS: Material presented by the artists: initial proposal and CV.
- INTERVENTIONS: Includes pre-production, production, location and programme-related projects.
- SOUND: It gives access to the sound works, reference card, descriptions and artists’ CV.
- AUDIOVISUAL: Audiovisual works, reference card, descriptions and artist’s CV.
- EDUCATIONAL PROJECT: Archives on theoretical principles, preproduction and production of this project carried out in MA’s last edition.
- MEDIA: It contains a media dossier which is divided into written press, radio, TV and Internet and provides with text, audio and video files, and physical material which makes
direct reference to the artists. It also offers each edition’s videos and press releases.
- COMMON MATERIAL: Reports, brochures, memos or personal texts.
- ARTIST ARCHIVE: Other works, catalogues andartist information not related to MA.
- PUBLIC ART DOCUMENTS: Publications that are directly or indirectly related to MA.
In terms of physical space, the Madrid Abierto Archive has a reference and research, available to anyone wishing to visit it upon appointment (archivo@mataderomadrid.org), which is
located in Matadero-Madrid (Plaza de Legazpi s/n) as a component of the Matadero´s Archive (www.mataderomadrid.org/ficha/651/archivo-matadero.html).
Manuela Sevilla, designer of the project, and Maria Díaz, coordination, are collaborating with Madrid Abierto on this workstream.
Should you be interested in requesting an appointment with the staff in charge of of the Madrid Abierto Archive, kindly contact with us via the email archivo@madridabierto.com.
Unofficial Tourism group, which took part in 2009-10 Madrid Abierto edition with Unofficial tourism, and in 2011-12’s with Turismo raro, is launching a new call for participants: POSTAL FREEK MADRID, open until September 12th, which aims at publishing postcard-format photographs of the non-official Madrid, different to the standard image offered by the tourist industry . The postcards will be distributed throughout Madrid’s bars and stores.
Within MADRID ABIERTO's guidelines and under Unofficial Tourism's supervision - a project by artist Iñaki Larrimbe - different
cultural agents created a series of unofficial tourist maps in 2009 and 2010 that were distributed thanks to an altered caravan that functioned as an alternative tourism office. Not long after, and as
a result of work dynamics between those collaborating agents, they created a group to keep investigating, working on those same issues that Unofficial Tourism was discussing. Thus the Turismo Raro
project is born as well as the Unofficial Tourism organization, made up of Guillermo de la Madrid, Mauro Entrialgo, Adriana Herreros, Iñaki Larrimbe, Ana Nieto, Santi Ochoa, Jimina Sabadú, Todo por
la praxis, John Tones and Macu Vicente. Postal Freek Madrid is their new project: http://www.postalfreek.info
We are enclosing hereunder the rules and
links to participate:
- You need to be from, or live, work or study in Madrid
- You can only send to us tree images
- Format:
10x15 cms, JPG, 300 DPF
- Free subject matter (keep in mind that we are interested in images different to those deployed by the tourist industry.
Three postcards will be selected. Each author will be paid 50 €
Today at 7 pm , to close the event, Raquel Pelta will speak with Aitor Menéndez about the relationship between graphic design and modern art. The latter will conduct a tour showing the image of Madrid Abierto in its different stages.
We will also present the Madrid Abierto 2009-2012 publication.
Next February 10th, at 7.00 pm, the artist Iñaki Larrimbe and the Unofficial Tourism Group shall present and debate on Weird tourism, a project which was developed derived from his participation in Madrid Abierto’s 2009 and 2010 editions. http://www.unofficialtourism.com
From February 20th to February 24th, Iñaki Larrimbe will shall impart a workshop at the Círculo de Bellas Artes with regard to Creative Innovation applied to other fields. (More info at 91 360 54 09 or talleres@circulobellasartes.com) http://www.circulobellasartes.com/ag_talleres.php?ele=236&mod=futuro&tipo=general
And at 8.00 pm the Democracy group an d the artist Susanne Bosch and will discuss useful art
Read more El Taller, Matadero Madrid
Next February 9th, at 7.00 pm, Mexican artist Fernando Llanos will present The death of Videoman.
And at 8.00 pm, we will play the conversation of Isidoro Valcárcel and Santiago Sierra with Jorge Díez, director of Madrid Abierto.
encuentro 2011-12El Taller, Matadero Madrid
January 12th to the 19th of February
Tuesday to Friday: from 4 pm to 10 pm.; Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: from 11 am to 10 pm.
Read moreJanuary 12th to February 19th. El Taller, Matadero Madrid.
Within its ten years of existence, along six editions, the international program Madrid Abierto has produced 65 artistic interventions, which respond to diverse formats and tactics of actions -whether practical or symbolic- and which attempt to experiment new forms of critical dialogue with the political, social and cultural environment in where they have been developed.
Read moreAs we announced at the end of the 2009-10 edition of Madrid Abierto, and with the financial agreement of our main sponsors (Ayuntamiento y Comunidad de Madrid) and collaborators (Fundación Telefónica, Casa de América y Ministerio de Cultura), along 2011 we will develop the following lines of action:
1- Review of all the written material regarding all six editions and archive of Madrid Abierto, already available for the public to look up in Matadero Madrid, thanks to an agreement we have reached with this institution.
2- Preparation of a program of educational workshops that will take place with the collaboration of Universidad Complutense de Madrid, founded on the positive experience of the pilot project that was created during the last edition of Madrid Abierto.
3- Design and production of a documentary exhibition of the whole history of Madrid Abierto, for which an agreement already exists with the MEIAC of Badajoz and the Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural (SEAC).
Read moreNext Tuesday 4th of October at 8 pm we present Turismo Raro a book produced by Madrid Abierto and created by the Unofficial Tourism organization for the Useful Art exhibition for Off Limits (http://www.offlimits.es/maelstrom/2011/10/exposicion_arte_util.html)
Within MADRID ABIERTO's guidelines and under Unofficial Tourism's supervision - a project by artist Iñaki Larrimbe - different cultural agents created a series of unofficial tourist maps in 2009 and 2010 that were distributed thanks to an altered caravan that functioned as an alternative tourism office. Not long after, and as a result of work dynamics between those collaborating agents, they created a group to keep investigating, working on those same issues that Unofficial Tourism was discussing. Thus the Turismo Raro project is born as well as the Unofficial Tourism organization, made up of Guillermo de la Madrid, Mauro Entrialgo, Adriana Herreros, Iñaki Larrimbe, Ana Nieto, Santi Ochoa, Jimina Sabadú, Todo por la praxis, John Tones and Macu Vicente. http://issuu.com/larrimbe/docs/turismoraro
Read moreFriday November 12, 5 pm. Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery
With the participation of Aurélie Dubois (Les Nuées Ardentes, c'est "Destroy") and Nuria Carton of Grammont Lara (actions in Mexico)
Adaptive Actions-Madrid. While the Adaptive Actions Camp was located in Madrid's Atocha train station for a month during the edition of MADRID ABIERTO 2009-2010, a publication was in the works. Several individuals simultaneously edited existing and incoming content (locally and via the web) and produced this recently published book, a 148-page publication comprising two sections: one presenting selected adaptive actions, and the second specific to the Madrid Adaptive Actions programming. The publication includes 36 adaptive actions with images and comments, workshops, and interview with philosopher and theorist Brian Massumi, and a text by José Luis Corazón Ardura. In Spanish and English. Edited by: Marie-Pier Boucher, Gema Melgar, Frank Nobert, Jean-François Prost.
Read moreAfter evaluating the 2009-2010 edition of Madrid Abierto, and with the financing agreement of our main sponsors (Madrid City Council and Madrid Regional Authority) we are developing the following courses of action:
1. To revise the entire set of documents related to the six previous editions, while organizing the Madrid Abierto archive, which in the following months will be available for public consultation in Matadero Madrid, thanks to an agreement reached with this institution.
2. Preparation of a programme of pedagogical workshops, which will begin in January of 2011, based on the positive experience of the pilot project designed for Madrid Abierto's last edition.
3. Design and production of a document based exhibition of Madrid Abierto's complete history.
Read more
An interview by Jorge Díez with Susana Cremades, journalist and editor, she has also worked as labour advisor and social
mediator. She is a neighbour of Lavapiés and has allowed Josep María Martin to gain access to the realities behind the neighbourhood's ‘pisos patera'.
Days: saturday 20th and sunday 21st of February
Schedule: 19.30 h.
Location: La Casa Encendida´s terrace. Ronda de Valencia, 2.
Days: thursday 18th and friday 19th of February
Schedule: 20.00 h. to 02.00 h.
Location: Torre de Madrid building. Plaza de España
Schedule: 16-18.30 h
With the intervention of Prof. Raúl Díaz-Obregón Cruzado
Location: Facultad de Bellas Artes CES Felipe II
Pavia Building
C/ Principe de la paz s/n
28300 Aranjuez
Further information in http://www.cesfelipesegundo.com/menu2.html
Schedule: 18-20 h
Location: Facultad de Educación
Centro de Formación del Profesorado Universidad Complutense de Madrid
c/ Rector Royo Villanova
28040 Madrid
information in: http://www.edu.ucm.es/
Location: La Casa Encendida (Ronda de Valencia n 2)
Moderated by Cecilia Andersson and Jorge Díez.
4th of February from 6pm to 9 pm. Participating artists: Lara Almarcegui, Laurence Bonvin, Teddy Cruz, Josep-Maria Martín and Pablo Valbuena.
5th of February from 6pm to 9 pm. Participating artists: Susanne Bosch, Lisa Cheung, Iñaki Larrimbe, Adaptive Actions and Gustavo Romano.
Read more