We are sharing some photos taken during the VISITAS RARAS´s tour which took place last 15th of February. There will still be three more opportunities that you shouldn´t miss!
22th of February TURISMO RARO
8th of March TURISMO RARO
Book by email (reserva.visitasraras.gmail.com) indicating the names of the participants and the date in which you are interested on. For more information you can consult the Madrid Abierto 2013-2014 ACCTIONS and the VISITAS RARAS´s facebook profile.
Where: Matadero Madrid, premise 8b, Archivo Matadero
Opening hours: Thursday & Friday from 16 to 19 pm. Saturday from 11 to 14.
Upon appointment: archivo@mataderomadrid.org or telephone 915171233.
Contact the Responsible of Madrid Abierto archive:archivo@madridabierto.com
Since the end of 2010 we have been working on the creation of a Public Art Archive to make it easier for those who are willing to look up any information or printed and digital material of any of
the 134 artistic projects that have been presented during Madrid Abierto’s several editions.
In addition to the said information, which is already accessible at www.madridabierto.com, the Archive contains unprecedented files and materials, as well as other data
subject to restricted access due to intellectual property issues, such as sound and audiovisual works.
The main goal is to keep record of all the work processes originated and documented by the organization, artists, curators, remaining mediators and participants, as well as to establish other points
of interaction and collaboration with entities interested in Public Art.
To this end, the Archive has been designed based on an structure that shows this creation and management process and whos structure is divided into different categories as follows:
- PREVIOUS: Material produced by the organization to start the open calls. It contains presentations, critical texts, material for the call, the list of sponsors, collaborators,
thanks to and other materials.
- DEBATE SESSIONS: Programmes, videos, transcriptions and photographs.
- PROJECTS: Material presented by the artists: initial proposal and CV.
- INTERVENTIONS: Includes pre-production, production, location and programme-related projects.
- SOUND: It gives access to the sound works, reference card, descriptions and artists’ CV.
- AUDIOVISUAL: Audiovisual works, reference card, descriptions and artist’s CV.
- EDUCATIONAL PROJECT: Archives on theoretical principles, preproduction and production of this project carried out in MA’s last edition.
- MEDIA: It contains a media dossier which is divided into written press, radio, TV and Internet and provides with text, audio and video files, and physical material which makes
direct reference to the artists. It also offers each edition’s videos and press releases.
- COMMON MATERIAL: Reports, brochures, memos or personal texts.
- ARTIST ARCHIVE: Other works, catalogues andartist information not related to MA.
- PUBLIC ART DOCUMENTS: Publications that are directly or indirectly related to MA.
In terms of physical space, the Madrid Abierto Archive has a reference and research, available to anyone wishing to visit it upon appointment (archivo@mataderomadrid.org), which is
located in Matadero-Madrid (Plaza de Legazpi s/n) as a component of the Matadero´s Archive (www.mataderomadrid.org/ficha/651/archivo-matadero.html).
Manuela Sevilla, designer of the project, and Maria Díaz, coordination, are collaborating with Madrid Abierto on this workstream.
Should you be interested in requesting an appointment with the staff in charge of of the Madrid Abierto Archive, kindly contact with us via the email archivo@madridabierto.com.