2008:Discussion Panels

Nelson Brissac

La Casa Encendida. Ronda de Valencia n º2, Madrid.20:00 a 21:00


Nelson Brissac. Is a philosopher whose works is related to art and urban-planning issues. Since 1994, he is organiser and curator of Arte/Cidade, an urban interventions project in São Paulo. www.artecidade.org.br

Jorge Díez. Director of Madrid Abierto and codirector of the MBA in Cultural Management, Santillana/Salamanca University. In 2007 he has co-curated Cart[ajena] public art project promoted by SEACEX, at Cartagena de indias, Colombia. He has lectured in the Spain-Japon forum at Nagasaki and Actual experience in Public Art at the 16º arts Symposium at Porto Alegre, Brasil.

Introduced by Jorge Díez