After establishing Madrid Abierto’s archive in Matadero Madrid, an exhibit was organized (founded on the archive) which intended to provide a comprehensive view of Madrid Abierto’s editions since 2004. In the discussion panels, we also presented The death of Videoman by Fernando Llanos and Weird tourism by Iñaki Larrimbe and his Unofficial Tourism group, projects which were developed in Madrid Abierto’s 2008 and 2010 editions. Artist Susanne Bosch and the Democracy group discussed useful art. We also presented the Madrid Abierto 2009-2010 publication as well as the recorded conversation of artists Isidoro Valcárcel Medina and Santiago Sierra with Madrid Abierto’s director, Jorge Díez. To close the event, Raquel Pelta spoke with Aitor Menéndez about the relationship between graphic design and modern art. The latter conducted a tour showing the image of Madrid Abierto in its different stages.