La casa encendida, Ronda de Valencia nº 218:00 21:00
Santiago Cirugeda. Architect. Carries out subversive art project in different areas of the urban environment. He is currently working on self-construction projects in various Spanish cities, in which groups of citizens decide to create their own urban public spaces.
Maribel Doménech / Emilio Martínez. Artists. Both are professors at the Sculpturing Department of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Members of the Plataforma Salvem el Cabanyal and the management team of the public art project Portes Obertes taking place in the district of El Cabanyal in Valencia.
Guillaume Désagnes. Is curator, art-critic and co-founder of Work Method, an agency based in Paris dedicated to the production of artistic projects. As member of the Trouble publishing committee, he regularly collaborates with the magazines Exit Express and Exit Book (Madrid). From 2001 to 2007 he co-ordinated the artistic projects of Laboratoires d’aubervilliers. In 2007-2008 he is an invited curator at Centre d’art Contemporain La Tôlerie. He is a lecturer at Êcole des beaux-arts de Clermont-ferrand.
Bartolomeo Pietromarchi. Art critic and exhibition organiser. General Secretary of the Fondazione Olivetti. Author of the investigation project Trans:it. Moving Culture trough Europe.
Cecilia Andersson. CECILIA ANDERSSON is curator and director of Werk Ltd., a curatorial agency established in Stockholm. Werk collaborates internationally in the organisation, production, promotion and publication of contemporary art. Her recent projects include SuperSocial, social events set up in different cities; On Cities, an exhibition organised in Stockholm’s Museum of architecture and an itinerant programme of Chinese video.