La Casa Encendida (Ronda de Valencia nº2)18.00-21.00
Virginia Corda + Maria Paula Doberti.
Arnoud Schuurman. Arnoud Schuurman’s attempt to incorporate art in public space drives him to seek boundaries of experimental possibilities.‘I look constantly to renew a synergy of media and techniques. By this I get ideas that evolves into something refreshing. To visualize something immaterial such as time and space, light and darkness in an object or entity on itself, is for me the ultimate goal. Mostly I look to plan my ideas for an application in public space. I find this aspect of our surrounding environment exciting, there evolves for a public art project the possibility to come in touch with a public that is not necessarily out for being confronted with an artwork. I would like my installations to spin off a dialogue with the surrounding environment and architecture. Herein the work generates in its presence with existing surroundings a confronting imaginative force and is contact with public spontaneously and inevitable. He lives and works in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He has exhibited and worked on various public art projects in The Netherlands and various other countries. Amongst them are: Canada, Mexico, Portugal, Cyprus, Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro.
Nicole Cousino + Chris Vecchio. Chris Vecchio is an electrical engineer who began creating sculptural devices and art installations in an effort to better understand the relationship between man and technology. His devices serve as props which precipitate interaction with, and dialog about, technology. He is particularly interested in the narrative potential of electronic circuitry and in the use of ambiguous but suggestive user interfaces to generate new modes of interaction. Chris holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering and has over 20 years of analog, digital, and software design experience. Over the course of the past 10 years his work has been exhibited frequently in both the US and Europe. He is currently Chairman of the Board at Nexus, Foundation for Today’s Art and the Director of Research and Development for medical instrumentation company Spectrasonics Inc.Drexel University, Philadelphia
Tanadori Yamaguchi + Maki Portilla-Kawamura + Key Portilla-Kawamura + Ali Ganjavian.
Eva González-Sancho. Director of FRAC Bourgogne
Selection carried out by Eva González-Sancho, director of FRAC Bourgogne.
Accidentes Urbanos.Virginia Corda and Maria Paula Doberti
Speakhere¡ Nicole Cousino with the cooperation of Chris Vecchio
Post it. Chus García-Fraile
Pulsing Path-ambiguous vision. Gustav Hellberg
Blend out. Lorma Marti
Ouroboros. Wilfredo Prieto
Remolino. Tere Recarens
Translucid View. Arnoud Schuurman
Reality Soundtrack. Tao G.Vrhovec
Locutorio Colón. Maki Portilla-Kawamura, Key Portilla-Kawamura, Tadanori Yamaguchi and Ali Ganjavian