Critical Graphics Postgraduate Seminar I, II & III
Narratives, actions and highlightings
Oscar Smoje Workshop
Prilidiano Pueyrredón National School of Fine Arts
Teacher of Painting. Drawing method and technique at the National University
Institute of Art (IUNA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Aníbal Carreño Workshop
Naum Goijman Workshop
Antonio Oliva Workshop
Domingo Onofrio Workshop
solo exhibitions
SIART International Biennial, La Paz, Bolivia
Miami Daniel Azoulay Gallery, USA
Leslie Hotel, Miami
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Bolivia
Modern Art Café, Mexico City
El Deco, Mexico City
Centro Cultural General San Martín, Buenos Aires
Museo Casa de Yrurtia, Buenos Aires
group exhibitions
Nodofest. ABC Group Photography Festival
D.N.I. Caja de Arte 1/1, Buenos Aires
24 horas en la vida de una mujer. Espacio Esmeralda
Unidos por el mismo vicio. Cátedra Fernícola Exhibition (IUNA). Centro Cultural Borges
6th international workshop on visual poetry and book art. Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires
Molinos dique 3 este. Grafica Crítica Espacio Esmeralda, Buenos Aires
Dibujo por tres. Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Regina Pacis
Violencia. Gráfica crítica. Espacio Esmeralda, Buenos Aires
Russian and Latin American Art FL Private Contemporary Art, Miami, USA
Estandartes de Artistas. Public Art Group. Patio Cubierto. Centro Cultural General San Martín
Día del arte correo. Espacio Vórtice. Stamp Art
SIART. Museo Nacional de Arte. International Competition, La Paz, Bolivia
Encontrarte. Casa hispanoamericana, Milan, Italy
Plastic art exhibition for the fight against breast cancer, Mexico
Exhibition of Argentinean artists. Euroamerica Gallery, New York
prizes and scholarships
La niñez en la Argentina. Selection in the photography competition organized by Fundación Pedriática, Argentina
First prize in the PROUNI painting biennial. Universidad Nacional de Pilar
Salón Nacional 2004. New media. National Exhibition Halls, Palais de Glacé
Salón SIART. Museo de Arte de La Paz, Bolivia
97 Salón Imagen Satelital
Salón Centenario. Argentinean Plastic Arts Society (SAAP)Autumn Drawing Show
93 Salón Gente de Avellaneda
SAAP Painting Show
Pre-biennial of Young Art. Drawing and painting section
SAAP Painting Show. Autumn Drawing Show
First prize for painting in the Art Week organised by the Ernesto de la Cárcova University College of Fine Arts
public art projects
Huellas de la topografía Urbana. SIART
Accidentes Urbanos. Madrid Abierto 2006
Río-Memoria. Highlightings, videos and slides on the collective memory of the River Plate. Photographic investigation and records
Foundation with Doberti, Kuperman and Zech of the street art group Periferia, with which she has produced urban actions since 2002.
Maria Paula Doberti
Juan Carlos Romero’s Art Clinic
Degree in Visual Arts from the National University Institute of Art (IUNA)
Thought Workshop with Remo Bianchedi
Naum Goijman Drawing Workshop
Prilidiano Pueyrredon National School of Fine Arts, Teacher of Painting
Aníbal Carreño Painting Workshop
Luisa Reisner Painting Workshop
courses and seminars
Postgraduate Seminar: Visual Poetry and Book Art. Ernesto de la Cárcova Visual Arts Postgraduate Course. IUNA. Professor: Juan Carlos Romero
Postgraduate Seminar: Critical Graphics. Level I, II & III. Ernesto de la Cárcova Visual Arts Postgraduate Course. IUNA. Professor: Juan Carlos Romero
Narratives, actions and highlightings. Professor: Silvia Diehl
Sol LeWitt and Conceptual Art Seminar. FADU (UBA) and PROA Foundation. Professors: Alina Tortosa and Silvia Diehl
Encuentro en La Cumbre. Participation in workshops organised in Cordoba province in January, directed by Remo Bianchedi and Laura Batkis
Postgraduate Seminars. Colour and Form. Levels I, II & III. Ernesto de la Cárcova Visual Arts Postgraduate Course. IUNA. Professor: Juan Astica
solo exhibitions
Asociación Cultural Pestalozzi
Alliance Française
Centro Cultural General San Martín. Sala 1
Centro Cultural General San Martín. Plaza Cubierta
Centro Cultural Parque Chacabuco
group exhibitions
Biblioteca: Libros de artista. Travelling exhibition: Galería 1 / 1 caja de arte, Museo Municipal de Rafaela, Santa Fe/ La Caverna. Espacio de Investigación de Arte Contemporáneo. Rosario, Santa Fe / Pasourbano. Espacio de Arte, Bahía Blanca / Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Raúl Lozza, Alberdi
Participation in Arte Correo competitions: 5 international competitions
Nuevas geografías. Art on the net and new media.
Participation in Arte Correo competitions: 5 international competitions
Latinoamérica Arde 1st Experimental Independent Art Competition. Neuquén
Participation in the collective book 24 horas en la vida de una mujer. Espacio Esmeralda
Unidos por el mismo vicio. Cátedra Fernícola Exhibition (IUNA). Centro Cultural Borges
7th International Visual Poetry Workshop. Centro Cultural Recoleta
Homenaje a Julio Cortázar. Escuela Municipal de Bellas Artes Manuel Belgrano
Proyecto Dominó organized by Rosa Audisio. Necochea Book and Art Fair
D. N. I. Galería 1 / 1 caja de arte
20 años de Escuelas de Arte. Art Teachers’ Exhibition. Centro Cultural Recoleta
Exposición colectiva. Centro Cultural de la Cooperación
Bienal Venus. Tandil
Participation in Arte Correo competitions: 10 international shows
Dibujo por tres. Exhibition with Virginia Corda and Ana Fernícola. Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Regina Pacis
7th International Visual Poetry Workshop. Centro Cultural Recoleta
Estandartes de Artistas, Group Public Art Exhibition. Patio Cubierto. Centro Cultural General San Martín
DAEA Teachers’ Exhibition. Centro Cultural General San Martín. Sala Madres de Plaza de Mayo
Homenaje a Olga Orozco. Escuela Municipal de Bellas Artes Manuel Belgrano
Contribution via Arte Correo to the Arenas para la construcción installation by Gabriela Alonso, at Espacio Esmeralda
Violencia. Critical Graphics. Espacio Esmeralda
Día del arte correo. Espacio Vórtice. Stamp Art
Encontrarte. Espacio Giesso
Encontrarte. Casa Hispanoamericana. Milan, Italy
Grupo Transit
Tránsito. Travelling exhibition in Ecuador: Centro Cultural Ecuatoriano Alemán, Guayaquil. Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno, Cuenca. Centro Cultural Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador, Quito. Museo de Arte, Bahía de Caráquez. Museo de Arte, Manta
Nietzsche. Museo Ex Casa de la Moneda. Buenos Aires. “1st Buenos Aires Art Biennial”. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
actions (selection)
4th National Street Art Festival. Mina Clavero, Córdoba
Autopartes / Autoservicio. Urban action as part of the Obra en Tránsito Project. Bahía Blanca
Urban actions. Inter-Neighbourhood Assemblies in Parque Centenario
Río-Memoria project. Multiple actions
Foundation with Corda, Kuperman and Zech of the street art group Periferia, with which she has produced urban actions since 2002.
work in collections
Museo Municipal de Arte Contemporáneo, Cuenca, Ecuador
Museo del Banco Central, Bahía de Caráquez, Ecuador
publications (selection)
She is currently researching street art in Argentina at the request of the publishers Editorial Asunto Impreso, with Juan Carlos Romero as editor
Research at the Visual Ideas Department of Centro Cultural de la Cooperación into “New forms and mechanisms of legitimisation. Routes and parameters of artworks and artists” together with Andrea Trotta (ongoing)
Acerca de la noción de autoría y la idea del público en el Arte Callejero.
Transit Postal, una experiencia de Arte Correo. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Quito, Ecuador
El público – multitud
Viajes, territorios y otredades. El Arte Correo como ritornelo. Una práctica artística en los límites, los márgenes y los cruces de los cánones tradicionales. CAIA
Arte emergente en Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Arte Callejero. Internal university publication. IUNA
Estructura constructiva y conceptualización territorial del arte callejero.
El espacio opresivo. El poder de la mirada. Plastic resignification of concepts setting out from the dominator-dominated relationship: power, knowledge, enclosure, space, vacuum, oppression, control.
¿Qué es el Arte Correo y la Poesía Visual? Internal university publication. IUNA
conferences (selection)
3rd International Congress on Art Theory and History – 11th Argentinean Art Researchers’ Centre (CAIA) Conference. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires
Buch Objekt International Symposium. Kaiserslautern, Germany
6th National Congress of the Argentinean Semiotics Association. Centro Cultural General San Martín
6th Research Conference of the Argentinean and Latin American Art History Institute. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
2nd International Congress on Art Theory and History – 10th CAIA Conference. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires
National Symposium of the Argentinean Art Critics’ Association. “Argentinean art and critical thought”. Fundación Federico Klemm
Teaching Activity (selection)
Lecturer in Audiovisual Media and Culture and Contemporary Aesthetics at the San Miguel Municipal Theatre School
Lecturer in Drawing at the Manuel Belgrano National School of Fine Arts