Mostra d´arts visuals. C.C. Sant Andreu. Barcelona*
Futurs possibles. La Capella. Barcelona*
Cercles invisibles. Espai 13 of the Joan Miró Foundation. Barcelona*
* catalogue
Canarias Mediafest, Gran Canaria
Zebra Poetry film Festival, Berlin. Germany
Zemos98, Seville
Mostra Internacional de cinema d´animació Animac, Lleida
L´Alternativa, Independent Cinema Festival of Barcelona
Cityzooms, Bremen. Germany
Up-And-Coming Short Film Festival, Hannover. Germany
International ShortFilm Festival , Venice. Italy
Audiovisual Creation Competition of Navarra
Spanish Animation, Seoul Animation Center, Seoul. Korea
Microcinema International, Minna Gallery, San Francisco. USA
Microcinema International, Firestation3 Theatre, Houston. USA
XI International Young Producers Fair, Granada
Pere Ginard holds a degree in Fine Arts from the Universitat de Barcelona; Laura Ginès studied architecture in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and later obtained a degree in Art and Design from the Escola Massana of Barcelona.
Junceda prize from the Professional Association of Illustrators of Catalonia in the category of illustrated books (for the illustrations of the book Journey to the Centre of the Earth, by Jules Verne (Anaya, 2005).
Nomination Premis LAUS 06 for art and design for the production of the spot CIRC.
Grant KRTU from the Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the production of the audiovisual project Camino de almas tristes.
Special Mention in the Junceda prizes from the Professional Association of Illustrators of Catalonia in the categories of animation (for Música per a perplexes) and illustrated book (for Libro delágrimas).
Jury prize in BarcelonaVisualSound for the film Música per a perplexes.
Grant KRTU from the Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the production of the animation short-film City.
Creation grant from the City Council of Girona.
Second prize in the II Certamen Internacional de álbum infantil ilustrado Ciudad de Alicante .
Accesit in the Certamen Jóvenes Creadores de Madrid.
First INJUVE Illustration prize. Madrid.
Third price in the INJUVE photography competition. Madrid.
First INJUVE Illustration prize. Madrid.
il Gioco. 1' 30''. 2001
Música per a perplexes. 4'. 2002
La Vie en Rose. 3'. 2003
Las bellas flores. 2'. 2004
Dramatis Personae. 8’. 2005
MobyDick. 2’ 45’’. 2005
Camino de almas tristes. 8’. 2006
Libro de lágrimas. Madrid: Anaya, 2002 (re-edited 2005)
Cómo dibujar animales tristes o cuaderno de todas las cosas vivas y muertas que imaginé la noche que te fuiste para siempre. Barcelona: Serial Artist-Almazen, 2005 (limited edition 45 copies)
Manual de perspectiva para perros. Mallorca: PepNot Gallery, 2005 (limited edition 20 copies)
Viaje al centro de la tierra, by Jules Verne (illustrations). Madrid: Anaya, 2005